Manage your risk and prevent damage to your assets

Tips for the summer season

The change in season brings more rain inland for which we must take precautions to prevent damage.  Here are a few tips to keep in mind this summer:

  • Dust and leaves have collected in the gutters during the winter and spring seasons. Inspect gutters and downspouts for blockages that can cause flooding and lead to water damage.
  • Inspect the roof tiles of your home. Tiles could have cracked in the winter especially if work was done on the roof, e.g., if solar panels were installed.
  • Corrugated iron roof screws loosen over time with expansion and contraction due to temperature changes. It is often necessary to seal screws so that water cannot seep through these openings.
  • It is necessary to carry out an inspection where Pap & Lap has been used. Even if it is not broken, a coat of paint can go a long way to making the Pap & Lap last.
  • Keep a look out for trees and branches growing over the roof. They add to the accumulation of dirt. Birds can also contribute to blockage problems.
  • Dry grass near the house or rubbish heaps increases your fire risk. Remove it or move it as far away from the house as possible.